Map of relevant entites and relationships
“nodes”: [
{“id”: 1, “label”: “Algorithm”, “title”: “A set of instructions designed to perform a specific task.”},
{“id”: 2, “label”: “Input”, “title”: “Data provided to the algorithm to work upon.”},
{“id”: 3, “label”: “Output”, “title”: “Result produced by the algorithm after processing the input.”},
{“id”: 4, “label”: “Rules”, “title”: “The step-by-step rules the algorithm follows.”},
{“id”: 5, “label”: “Data Structure”, “title”: “A specific way of organizing and storing data that the algorithm works with.”},
{“id”: 6, “label”: “Finite”, “title”: “An algorithm is a finite sequence of rigorous instructions”},
{“id”: 7, “label”: “Language Independent”, “title”: “An algorithm is not tied to specific (programming) language can be expressed and implemented in any language.”},
{“id”: 8, “label”: “Code / Pseudocode”, “title”: “A method of writing out an algorithm in either a specific programming language or a human-readable way that doesn’t require specific syntax.”},
{“id”: 9, “label”: “Human intervention”, “title”: “The process of affecting an algorithm by i.e. making it more efficient or changing its functionality.”},
{“id”: 10, “label”: “Task or Problem”, “title”: “A challenge or task that the algorithm is designed to solve.”},
{“id”: 11, “label”: “Loop”, “title”: “The rules and instructions of the algorithm are executed by the computer in a loop.”}
“edges”: [
{“from”: 1, “to”: 2, “label”: “takes in”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 3, “label”: “produces”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 4, “label”: “consists of”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 5, “label”: “uses”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 6, “label”: “is”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 7, “label”: “is”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 8, “label”: “can be represented by”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 9, “label”: “can be subject to”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 10, “label”: “solves”},
{“from”: 1, “to”: 11, “label”: “is executed in a”}
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